Our body is supported by a network of connective tissue called fascia. Fascia surrounds our muscles, organs and bones. When we use our bodies in unbalanced or repetitive ways, our fascia conforms to fit these unhealthy patterns. Becoming shortened or knitted down the fascia creates a body that is heavy, limited in range and oppressed by gravity, producing pain and discomfort throughout. Through gentle yet deep applied pressure and stretching HINOKI realigns the body with gravity, lengthening the constricted fascial planes. Resulting in a body that feels free of pain, “open," relaxed, energized, and “at peace.”
The basic theory behind eastern bodywork is that there is a vitality that flows in cycles throughout our bodies. When it gets blocked it causes suffering. At HINOKI we use an innovative root based system of 5 element acupoint therapy (needleless) to remove those blockages. This helps to realign systems, balance the vitality and ease the body and mind. When one is balanced healing occurs.